
About Us

About Us

Insight.China is a joint project of the “New Times International Education Services” and “Hebei Province International Education & Exchange Association”. This joint project, endorsed by the Hebei Education Bureau, brings together the resources of both parties to promote exchange between China and the rest of the world.

“New Times International” has been providing placement services to foreigners in China since 2002. The company has successfully placed over a 1000 teachers and volunteers in schools all over China and enjoys one of the best reputations in the business.

“Hebei Province International Education & Exchange Association” is a non-profit association sanctioned by the Hebei Government to promote cultural and educational exchanges between China and the rest of the world and has a membership of over 3000 renowned artists, government officials and education professionals.

The founder and president, Mr. Dou Song Lin, realized that there were many people worldwide that would cherish the opportunity to come and learn more about China without necessarily being students or teachers. These are people that would rather spend quality time with the locals, sharing meals and jokes, learning the language as they go in a spirit of exchange. These are people that are interested in a genuine exchange to try and dispel all the myths and misconceptions about foreigners in China. These are people who do not necessarily speak English.

These people were taken advantage off by unscrupulous agencies that charged them an arm and a leg to come to China and then abandoned them once the payment was received with no guidance or support. A simple google search can return enough horror stories to scare people away for the rest of their lives.

It does not have to be this way!!!! We are here to prove it.

Building on the successful Chinese culture immense and internship experiences of the past, we have designed a number of affordable programs that many have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy for a long time. We hope you will be one of them.

For more information please contact us at songlindou@163.com or call us on +86-311-87810256 and +86-13784355011.

The Team you can count on!!

  • Mr. Dou Song Lin

    Mr. Dou Song Lin
