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About Us

Insight.China is a joint project of the “New Times International Education Services” and “Hebei Province International Education & Exchange Association”. This joint project, endorsed by the Hebei Education Bureau, brings together the resources of both parties to promote exchange between China and the rest of the world.

New Times International” has been providing placement services to foreigners in China since 2002. The company has successfully placed over a 1000 teachers and volunteers in schools all over China and enjoys one of the best reputations in the business.

Hebei Province International Education and Exchange Association (IEEA).

The aim of the program is to give participants the opportunity to have a more in depth look at distinctive aspects of Chinese traditional culture than a tourist would usually have.

This is for our beginner’s group. Classes will cover the basic concepts required to survive and be operational in China. This is a good course for people who are absolute beginners or that have a few notions of the language but no proper schooling in grammar/sentence structure.

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Culture Project

With our program, you are sure to maximize your chances of having a great adventure in China knowing that a two reputable organisations as well as the local government agencies are standing behind you all the way. Please spend a bit of time to browse through our site and get acquainted with our services. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions that we have not answered through our website.


Please use the following form to send in your application for homestay or internship.


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    Proposed Length of Stay

    Latest News

    • 07 Aug 2007 | by Admin

      Hebei Province International Education
      and Exchange Association (IEEA).

      The aim of the program is to give participants the opportunity to have a more in depth look at distinctive aspects of Chinese traditional culture than a tourist would usually have.

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    • 07 Aug 2007 | by Admin

      Chinese Culture

      Chinese paper cutting剪纸(jiǎnzhǐ)
      While perhaps not as well known as some other aspects of Chinese culture, the art of Chinese paper cutting剪纸(jiǎnzhǐ) is certainly one of the most beautiful of Chinese pastimes.

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    • 07 Aug 2007 | by Admin

      Hebei Province International Education
      and Exchange Association (IEEA).

      The aim of the program is to give participants the opportunity to have a more in depth at learning Chinese traditional sports Pingpang than a tourist would usually have.

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